Original Size - 20 x 24
Acrylic on Canvas
Also Available In
Cards -
5 x 7 with envelope
Prints -
6 x 8 with 8 x 10 Double Mat
8 x 12 with 12 x 16 Double Mat
March and July, mother Hawaiian Monk Seals lay out on isolated island
beaches. A pregnant 7-foot-long female can weigh as much as 600
pounds and lose about half of that during a 35-to 40-day nursing
period. All this extra fat allows her to stay with her offspring
throughout the nursing period and not have to go out to sea in search
of food. They give birth to a single fully developed black seal
pup. The 40-inch-long pup will weigh about 40 pounds at birth and
will quadruple to about 150 pounds during the nursing period.